Freshwater aquaculture production in India is dominated by carps, and fish seed is the most critical and prime factor for aquaculture development. Country is self-sufficient in quantity of carp seed production (42billion of spawn) but quality is still compromised. Problem exists mainly due to non-availability of suitable feed for brood stock. Seed producers are compelled to employ different feeding regime as hit and trial resulting in frequent failure in gonad maturation, breeding response, reduced fecundity, fertilization and spawn recovery. Hatchery owners maintain large number of brood stocks to produce seed due to uncertainty, consuming 60% of input costs throughout the year which impacts critically on the brood stock health, breeding performances as well as subsequent seed quality. Survival of such larvae during nursery rearing hardly exceeds 30% in spite of best possible management measures in pond.
Technology Details:
To address this inherent problem in seed production an urgent need was felt to scientifically develop a brood stock feed suitable for Indian major carps. Generally, in oviparous carps the embryonic development is completely dependent on the stored energy provided in the eggs following fertilization and the nutrient necessary for this is transferred from female brood during egg formation. Indian carps were confirmed to utilize lipids rather than protein for their embryonic development. Since millions of eggs mature simultaneously and derive all the essential nutrients from the brood mother, there is always chance of deficiency in one or other component either due to lack in mother’s diet or due to malnutrition. Therefore, adequate nutrient source through exogenous diet containing indispensable amino acids (IAA), long-chain fatty acids (PUFAs), selected vitamins and trace elements must be provided to the brood prior to maturation in such a way that voluntary dietary intake becomes optimum. ICAR-CIFA for the first time in India has developed a balanced feed for carp brood after a decade of research duly validated through repeated field trials throughout the country. It is made of routine feed ingredients, readily accepted by carp broods, palatable and water stable. Adequately nutrient rich, provides essential nutrients lacking in conventional feed or natural fish food organism. Advances gonad growth and maturation and facilitates early breeding in March-April. Improves spawning response and ensures higher production of viable gametes. Remarkably improves hatching and spawn recovery. Promises better quality of seed, higher survival and rapid growth during nursery rearing. Enhances spent fish recovery and suitable for repeat breeding of carps with stable spawn production may be required during unforeseen climatic condition or pandemic situation. Demonstrated efficacy for maturation and breeding of IMCs during North East Monsoon even in December-January in Tamil Nadu. Highly economic, increases productivity of the female brood stock by 147% and reduces cost of spawn production by 40%.