

Technology Background:
India is the second largest producer of fruits including mangoes and banana. Despite this, currently only 1.5% of mango and banana are exported due to poor shelf life and incidence of post-harvest diseases. Technology details:
To increase the shelf life and delay the ripening process, ICAR-CISH Lucknow has developed a formulation (CISH METWASH) extracting the bio-metabolites and blending with jamun leaf extract for shelf life and post-harvest diseases. The extracts are equally effective for controlling the ripening process and allow the formation of ammonia by restricting the formation of ethylene and also suppresses the growth of devastating post-harvest pathogens. Besides, the secondary metabolites and biopolymers obtained from novel beneficial bacterial isolates have antifungal, antioxidant, lipopolypeptide compounds exhibit growth promoting natural properties. Met wash delays the ripening process and thus extends the shelf life.