
DRR Dhan 55

DRR Dhan 55 (RP 5591-123-16-2 (IET 26194) is a medium tall, high yielding, long bold grained variety well suited for direct seeded aerobic conditions of rice growing ecologies of Bihar and Chhattisgarh. It is moderately resistance to major insect pests and diseases such as leaf blast, neck blast. Resistance to gall midge and rice thrips and moderate resistance to plant hoppers. The performance of DRR Dhan 55 was consistently high under direct seeded aerobic conditions in Zones III and Zone V. On over all basis, it showed 4.9-5.5t/ha grain yield and superiority of 23%, 15% and 13% over checks from 2017 to 2019. Therefore, it was promising in the states of Bihar (Zone III) and Chhattisgarh (Zone V) under aerobic conditions during 2017-2019 coordinated trials. It is also responsive to higher doses of nitrogen. It has good head rice recovery (55.53%), long bold (LB) grain type with intermediate alkali spreading value (7.0%), amylose content (22.58%) and gel consistency (22mm) indicating good cooking quality. The cultivation of DRR Dhan 55 will certainly increase rice yields in aerobic grown areas of Zone III and Zone V. It also saves lot of water since it can be grown in aerobic condition and also, we can increase area of rice with available water resources.:
Technology Details:
DRR Dhan 55 is an early maturing suitable for both aerobic and irrigated conditions. It has good head rice recovery (55.53%), long bold (LB) grain type with intermediate alkali spreading value (7.0%), amylose content (22.58%) and gel consistency (22mm) indicating good cooking quality.