DSb-21 (Soybean)
Soybean rust, a disease of serious concern causing significant yield losses (ranging from 30-100 per cent) in Southern parts of India has become a major constraint for expanding area under soybean. Most of the released varieties viz., JS 335, JS 93-05 and DSb 1 are highly susceptible to rust. Hence, there was as urgent need to develop rust resistant variety.
Technology Details:
DSb 21 (JS 335 x EC 241778) is the first rust resistant variety in the country developed by UAS, Dharwad and released / notified during 2015. In addition to rust resistance, it gives higher yield (10-12%) more than popular variety JS 335. Since, it requires no fungicidal spray, reduces the cost of cultivation in addition to higher net returns through higher yield. By growing continuously, it prevents the further spread of rust to newer areas. It is best suited for organic cultivation.
Name of crop/ variety Soybean - DSb 21
Parentage JS 335 x EC 241778
Year of release
(CSC on CSN & RVAC) 2015
Gazette Notification Details S.O.1228 (E) 07.05.2015
Yield (t/ha) 30-32 q/ha
Season Kharif
Condition Rainfed and irrigated conditions
Area of adoption Karnataka, Telengana, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu and Southern parts of Maharashtra
Maturity Group 90-95 days
Reaction to major diseases and insects Under field and controlled conditions, it is highly resistant to rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. and moderately resistant to stemfly and pod borer.
Other remarks Oil - 18.2% and Protein - 37.3%.