ICAR- CIAE Hand Injector and ICAR- CIAE Caterpillar killing hand tool
The caterpillars bore inside the trunk/main stem. During the night they came out and feed on the bark of the stems. Larvae are protected by the large silken webs. The branch ceases the growth and becomes weak and may ultimately fall on the ground. The infested plant part needs to be cleaned and insert the cotton wool soaked in kerosene oil or nuvacron or formalin in the hole with the help of a spoke and plugged with moist mud of fresh cow dung.:
Technology Details:
ICAR-CIAE Hand Injector and ICAR-CIAE Caterpillar killing hand tools were developed for killing the caterpillar on Litchi and Guava trees. The hand tools were tested on Litchi trees at ICAR-NRC Litchi, Ranchi, and Guava trees at ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal. The Following observations were observed made:
1. No live caterpillars were found around the infested area:
2. Average application time per hole was less than one minute:
3. The spraying system was found more handy in operation than conventionally adopted machines at both trees.