ICAR-CIAE Touch free hand wash system
COVID-19 is an infectious disease which has been spreading globally. One of the methods to curb
the spread of this infection disease is by regularly washing of the hands with liquid soap and
water. This is possible if an effective system is available for dispense liquid soap and water at a
required quantity. At present the system available for dispensing of liquid soap and water are by
push type mechanism. The units have to be operated physically there by leading to the possibility
of spread of COVID-19, when the units are physically used by multiple person. Hence there is a
need of a unit where the dispenser of liquid soap/water could be carried out without physical
touch of multiple users. Many industries and organization attempted to develop a foot operated
dispenser unit for liquid soap and water to avoid spread of COVID-19. As per recommendation of
medical expert touch free dispenser system which could be installed at public place like hospitals,
offices, malls, crowded market, railway station and airports. Since as per need of the hour, a
touch free hand wash system has been developed.
Technology Details:
The developed touch-free hand wash system is sensor based automatic dispenser system
consists of water tank, photo diffuser sensor, 12V DC water pump, DC speed regulator, 12V DC
Battery, relay board, touch-free sanitizer dispensing unit and water disposing plastic hose. When
the hand reaches near the sensor it produces output pulse relay, which triggers (act as a switch)
the pump to tumed it on. Pump in turn ensures the flow of Iiquid soap/water from tank to liquid
soap / water outlet. A single relay triggers up to 5 m! of hand wash from touch-free dispenser
unit and 100 ml of water from water tank. The discharge rate of liquid soap and water could be
regulated based on necessity by using DC regulator switch. The system can be powered by AC
current and provision is also given to use in DC battery for portable use. Single full charge of the
battery will make system to work up to one day.