
Kufri Chipsona-5

Technology Details:
Kufri Chipsona-5 is a medium maturing (90-100 days), main season, high-yielding processing potato variety suitable for cultivation in Haryana, Uttarakhand, UP, MP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh or similar agro-ecologies. It is a clonal selection from a cross between Kufri Himsona × CP1371. The plants are tall with vigorous and semi-compact canopy and field moderate resistance to late blight. It produces white cream round oval tubers with shallow medium eyes and cream flesh and mealy texture. It possesses very good keeping quality and moderate tuber dry matter (20%) and low reducing sugar (<150 mg/100). The variety yields 30-35 t/ha and >80% processing grade tubers. To date, the share of Indian potato varieties for chip/flakes making is low and processors had no other option than to opt for exotic processing varieties. Therefore, efforts were made to develop an indigenous high yielding medium maturing chips variety for making chips/flakes. It will offer the profitable business opportunities in domestic and international markets.