
Maize Hybrid : GH-150125 (Dharma)

The hybrids with consistently higher grain yield across locations and adaptability to wide agro climatic situations and tolerance to major diseases of maize is the major problem because of which the productivity of the Karnataka state and India in particular is lower (3.0 t/ha) than the world average productivity of 5.5 t/ha.:
Technology Details:
The parental lines of the hybrid are highly diverse and heterotic hence the cross combination has resulted in high yielding single cross hybrid which consistently recorded yield of 7.7 t/ha across zones and locations with a potential yield up to 10.0 t/ha. The proposed hybrid is also showing tolerance to moisture stress and is comparable / statistically on par with the best check for drought situation. This hybrid has also recorded resistant reaction to turcicum leaf blight a major foliar disease and charcoal rot of maize under artificial inoculated conditions. Name of crop/ variety Maize : GH-150125 (Dharma):
Parentage CAL-1426-2 X CML-451:
Year of release:
Gazette Notification Details Yet to be notified:
Yield (t/ha) 7.7 t/ha:
Irrigated and assured rainfall areas of Zone-3 and :
Zone-8 of Karnataka:
Maturity Group 110-115 days:
Reaction to major diseases and insects:
Moderately resistant to major foliar diseases :
(TLB) Other remarks:
Ears with complete tip filling and stay green nature