Pusa STFR Meter
Existing soil testing laboratories (STLs) in the country are not sufficient to cater the soil testing
needs of the farming community. Indiscriminate or inadequate use of fertilizers over the years
leads to deterioration of soil health. Soil test-based balanced use of fertilizers is a key to sustain
and improve soil health vis-à-vis crop productivity and farm profits.
Technology Details:
The present innovative technology is serving as robust complement to the existing STL network,
making soil testing available at farmers’ doorstep. It is a low cost, user-friendly, digital embedded
system and programmable instrument. Pusa STFR Meter consists of a meter, a mini-shaker, a
reagent-kit (for 50 soil samples) and other important accessories needed for soil testing. This
portable soil testing kit now analyzes as many as 14 important soil parameters, viz. pH, EC, OC,
available nutrients [P, K, S, Zn, B, Fe, Mn, Cu and N (based on OC)], and gypsum requirement and
lime requirement. It gives crop-specific fertilizer recommendations. It can be connected with
computer to generate SOIL HEALTH CARD, and send SMS to farmers. Educated unemployed rural
youth can start entrepreneurship on soil testing. It has been licensed for commercial manufacturing
and marketing.